It has been an eventful year.
In January I began working with the ONC S&I Framework on the Consolidated CDA Guide. I was a co-chair of the Documentation workgroup. The Consolidated Guide was published in December 2011 and I am listed as a co-editor. This IG should be one of the base standards for Meaningful Use Stage 2, and I am honored to have contributed, however slightly, to this effort.
I attended the two ONC S&I Framework Face to Face Meetings in Washington, DC.
I changed jobs in May. I am now a Healthcare Solutions Architect for Covisint.
I worked on a state-wide HIE project, HealthShare Montana. I also work on a Michigan based ACO. I have worked on some internal projects, and will be leading an effort to deploy a terminology service to translate local terminology to standard codes before we store this data. I am also leading an effort to deploy messaging implementation guides and computable artifacts to simplify our process for on-boarding new trading partners.
I am company "standards guy", so I participate in the ONC S&I Framework, HL7, IHE and a few other initiatives.
I decided to become more sociable this year, so I joined twitter (@PeterNGilbert) and facebook.
I was recognized as one of the top contributers to the HIT Social Media conversation (#HITsm).
Looking forward to 2012:
We expect to do work for an existing state-wide HIE in 2012 helping them to on-board their backlog of hospitals and provider offices. This project, alone, should keep me very busy in 2012.
I will be attending the HL7 Working Group Meeting in San Antonio in January. I will see if I can get to the two other WGMs.
I don't know if I will be going to HIMSS in February.
2011 was a good year, and 2012 should be even better.