Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I was reviewing the HL7 ballot that opened this week and noticed something interesting. HL7 is ballotting an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Domain Information Model. Among the items in this model is one titled "Automated Collision Notification." This model is described like so:

"This package represents data from automobiles equipped with automated telematic systems. When a vehicle so equipped has a collision, the system reports information to a central provider, who may forward the information to an emergency dispatch controller in the vicinity of the incident. "

Now, I started work for Covisint in May. Covisint developed and operates OnStar for General Motors. So, we are the "automated telematic system" that this standard talks about.

The way that this would work is like so:

* OnStar vehicle is in a collision.
* Message is sent from Vehicle to OnStar
* OnStar operator contacts the vehicle and gathers additional information.
* If necessary, the information on the collision and any injuries will be sent electronically to the EMS (instead of a phone call as happens today).
* This information can also be cc'd to the nearest Emergency Department to let them know
* The EMS can also enter additional information on what they did at the scene before transporting the patient(s) to the ED. This information can also be sent electronically to the ED that the patient(s) will be transported to.

So, we have most of the infrastructure in place. We'll just be adding electronic messaging of the information to the process.

This is still early in the process. The standards won't be ready until sometime next year, at the earliest. But, we should be able to implement this when the standards are done. If we make this work, it will save lives.

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